Flutter Translate Package. Flutter texts are now localized but localization of our own texts is still missing. To add support for other languages an application must specify additional MaterialApp or CupertinoApp properties and include a package called flutter_localizations.
It lets you define translations for your content in different languages and switch between them easily. More easier and faster to implement. It lets you define translations for your content in different languages and switch between them easily.
Flutter pub pub run intl_translationextract_to_arb --output-dirlibl10n liblocalizationsdart.
- resourceslanguagedejson - resourceslanguageenjson 3. Used to develop awesome mobile applications for Android and IOS. Create a new flutter application flutter_intl_app. A Flutter Package for convert number to English or PersianFarsi letter and convert Miladi to Persian DateJalaliShamsi date and digits validator.