Height Map Generator. Included in the download are the highest possible resolutions of the chosen texture satellite street and an 8 bit grayscale heightmap both as PNG file. Heightmaps and Texture Set.

Additionally you can enter the highest point of your map into the text field on the right side. Easy to use interface. Options for simplifying smoothing and texturing your terrain as well as a create higher res patch option in case you need extra detail in.
This is an elevation data browser which auto-exposes the display so that the highest and lowest visible elevations are white and black.
A names the reference value that defines the highest point of the map. Included in the download are the highest possible resolutions of the chosen texture satellite street and an 8 bit grayscale heightmap both as PNG file. The value appears above the blue slider. Im probably doing something wrong but when I import any heightmaps from the internet it comes out all spiky and full of artifacts in UE4.