Takrohi Indira Nagar Schools and colleges. It was opened on 5 September 2017 and have 21 metro stationsThe length Red Line Lucknow Metro is around 22878 km and have operating speed of 40 kmhr. Khurram Nagar Chinhat Kalyanpur east Eldeco Greens Balmikinagar are the surrounding localities of Indira Nagar.
Near Shakti Nagar Dhal Faizabad Road Indira Nagar Lucknow Uttar Pradesh India - 226020 The Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy 93 Laxmanpuri Faizabad Road.
This School is counted among the top-rated Schools in Uttar Pradesh with an outstanding academic track record. Builder offers Villa for resalerent in Rishi Vihar. References This article about a railway. The School has been rated by 8 people.