Paris Map Tour App Inventor. And since a few of your friends cant join you well create a companion app that lets them take a virtual tour of Paris as well. First youll build an app that launches maps for the Eiffel Tower the Louvre and Notre Dame Cathedral with a single click.

Creating a fully functioning map app might seem really complicated but App Inventor provides two high-level com-ponents to help. Implement the following variations to the Paris Map Tour a Set. Youll design the app so that a list of destinations appears.
Paris Map Tour Figure 6-1.
When the user chooses one the Google Maps app is launched to display a map of the destination. Connect to the App Inventor web site and start a new project. And since some of your friends cant join you well create an escort app that lets you take a virtual tour of Paris as well. Install the app on your Android by scanning the qr code.